G. Shu, B. Dai, V.G. Ralchenko, A.P. Bolshakov, A.A. Khomich, E.E. Ashkinazi,V.Yu. Yurov, K. Yao, K. Liu, J. Zhao, J. Han, J. Zhu, J. Cryst. Growth, Vertical-substrate epitaxial growth of single-crystal diamond by microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition, 486 (2018) 104-110.
V. S. Sedov, S. V. Kuznetsov, V. G. Ralchenko, M. N. Mayakova, V.S. Krivobok, S. S. Savin, K. P. Zhuravlev, A. K. Martyanov, I. D. Romanishkin, A. A. Khomich, P. P. Fedorov, V. I. Konov, Diamond-EuF3 nanocomposites with bright orange photoluminescence, Diamond and Related Materials, 72 (2017) 47-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2016.12.022
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E.E. Ashkihazi, V.S. Sedov, D.N. Sovyk, A.A. Khomich, A.P. Bolshakov,S.G. Ryzhkov, A.V. Khomich, D.V. Vinogradov, V.G. Ralchenko, V.I. Konov, Plateholder design for deposition of uniform diamond coatings on WC-Co substrates by microwave plasma CVD for efficient turning application, Diamond and Related Materials 75 (2017) 169–175. DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2017.04.011
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V. Sedov, K. Boldyrev, V. Krivobok, S.Nikolaev, A. Bolshakov, A.V.Khomich, A.A.Khomich, A.Krasilnikov, V. Ralchenko, SiV color centers in Si-doped isotopically enriched 12C and 13C CVD diamonds, Phys. Status Solidi A, 214 (2017)1700178. DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201700198
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V. Ralchenko, V. Sedov, V. Saraykin, A. Bolshakov, E. Zavedeev, E. Ashkinazi, A. Khomich, Precise control of photoluminescence of silicon-vacancy color centers in homoepitaxial single-crystal diamond: Evaluation of efficiency of Si doping from gas phase Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 122 (9) 795 (2016). DOI: 10.1007/s00339-016-0343-x
A. Bolshakov, V. Ralchenko, V. Sedov, A. Khomich, I. Vlasov, A. Khomich, N. Trofimov, V. Krivobok, S. Nikolaev, R. Khmelnitskii, V.Saraykin, “Photoluminescence of SiV centers in single crystal CVD diamond in situ doped with Si from silane”. Phys. Status Solidi A, V. 212, Issue 11, 2525-2532 (2015), DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201532174.
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D. Sovyk, V. Ralchenko, M. Komlenok, A. Khomich, V. Shershulin V. Vorobyov, I. Vlasov, V. Konov, A. Akimov, Fabrication of diamond microstub photoemitters with strong photoluminescence of SiV color centers: bottom-up approach. Appl. Phys. A. 118 (2015) 17–21.
V. Sedov, V. Ralchenko, A.A. Khomich, I. Vlasov, A. Vul, S. Savin, A. Goryachev, V. Konov, Si-doped nano – and microcrystalline diamond films with controlled bright photoluminescence of silicon-vacancy color centers. Diamond and Related Materials, 56 (2015) 23-28.